Simposio Attività minerarie nel bacino del Mediterraneo
Agli ingegneri iscritti all'Ordine di Cagliari che parteciperanno all'intero seminario, saranno riconosciuti 6 CFP 
Tipo FAD sincrona
Organizzatore Scuola di Formazione Ordine degli Ingegneri di Cagliari
Responsabile Scientifico Ing. Massimiliano Manis
Durata 6 ore
Frequenza minima 6 ore
Costo Gratuito
Tipologia corso -
Iscrizioni Chiuse
Posti rimanenti 45
venerdì, 20 novembre 2020
h 9:00 - 9:15
“Salutes of welcome”
h 9:15 - 9:35
“The EIT RCSI RawMaterials: mission, objectives, strategies and goals”
h 9:35 - 9:55
“Circular economy initiatives and platforms at European and Italian level - Focus on ICESP (Italian Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform) activities”
h 9:55 - 10:15
“Industrial wastes: a valuable source of raw materials”
h 10:15 - 10:35
“EIT RawMaterials: portfolio and opportunities in the Circular Economy domain”
h 10:35 - 10:55
“Perlite industrial mineral: key attributes, functionalities and innovative applications”
h 11:10 - 11:30
“The circular economy applied to the reclamation of mining areas disused in Sulcis-Iglesiente-Guspinese”
h 11:30 - 11:50
“Circular economy for a sustainable future: recovery and reuse of permanent magnets”
h 11:50 - 12:10
“CASE STUDY: SASIL LIFE - Recycling of waste glass: saving energy and resources”
h 12:10 - 12:30
“The new frontier of mining activities in Sardinia through the re processing of mining disposal facilities State of the art and perspectives”
h 12:30 - 12:40
“MineHeritage: Opportunity and perspectives for exploitation of Historical Sardinian Mining Sites”
h 12:40 - 13:00
“Smart heritage tourism - cultural heritage digital fruition systems based on 3D visualization technologies integrated by external data”

h 15:00 - 15:10
“Starting afternoon session”
h 15:10 - 15:35
“Funding opportunities and activities and the CLC Innovation hub south”
h 15:35 - 16:00
“Remote sensing and seismic monitoring in the mining sector”
h 16:00 - 17:45
Opening rooms
h 17:45 - 18:00
Conclusions and closing
Apertura Iscrizioni16/11/2020 15:00
Termine Iscrizioni20/11/2020 08:30

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